Today was a long day, your boss was jerk, everything that could go wrong did, people just seemed to irritate you all day and worst of all it seemed to go by sooo slow. Well what if you came home from work to find an empty house? No wife, no kids…but then in the distance you hear a noise…you move in closer…you notice the bathroom door is cracked just a smidge, you peek inside…OMG..u feel a tightness in your pants thats is almost over whelming..Its her…naked as the day she was born..covered in soap suds and water..her amazing body glowing…as you seen the suds run over her firm perky breast and her tight lil ass, you wonder to yourself..do you dare go in and make my excitment known? Push the door open..go ahead…Lets see what happens..To be continued…
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xxox Heather
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