The more I do this whole phone sex thing, the more confident I become! Not that I was exactly lacking in self-esteem to start with, *LOL*. But I’ve done so many different things on the phone with you dudes that I feel like I can handle any fantasy you throw my way!
I’ve talked a little about how much I like being a bratty domme, but I think I wanna talk about it more! *Giggles*
I love to play with all you little subbie boys. I think it’s cute that you need somebody to tell you what to do so bad that you give this cute 18 teen phone sex girl a call. Hey, I love power as much as anyone, and it’s cool that it’s me you choose to give yours over to.
I love all of you, but I think you panty boys and guys who love forced bi phone sex are some of my faves. Boys in panties and boys with dicks in their mouths are fun! Especially when it’s both at once, *LOLOLOLOL*!
I’m a little bit of a brat, and I’m used to getting my way. That doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get to get off, too. Well, unless I feel like denying you. But that depends on what kinda mood I’m in, you know?
If you wanna see what I’m thinking about making you doing tonight, then all you’ve gotta do is call for some fetish phone sex with Madeline!
1-888-8-FREAKY (1-888-837-3259)