Where are all of my diaper loving ABDL phone sex boys out there? I want to put a diaper on one of my lovelies who can really appreciate it and want to play! ADBL phone sex is so fun for me because not only does it put me in full control of you, but it also shows me a different side of you, a calmer, more helpless side that turns me on. I love nothing more than to be compassionate and loving to my good ADBL boys. That is, if you behave for mommy Jewels. Be bad and well, I guess you’ll have to see what happens, won’t you?
Here’s a look at what good adult baby boys will get during our ABDL phone sex call. I’ll sit you in my lap, bounce you on my knee while we play. I’ll coo sweetly at you while I stroke your hair. You can feel the hard length of my dick as you climb and crawl all over me while you’re in nothing but a bright white diaper. Maybe one day if we’re bored, we’ll try cloth diapering. I’ve never done it, but I hear there’s more choices in design! I’ll turn you into my little ADBL fashion model. Together, we can pick which pattern you should wear first. After we’ve decided, I’ll gently carry you over to my big bed and lay you on your back. From there, I’ll put on your nice clean new diaper oh so carefully and slowly. Let you feel my large hands all over your soft skin while I take my time making sure it’s on good and snug. If you’re lucky, I’ll even play with your peepee while I’m down there.
If you’re bad though… That’d be such a shame for you, my ADBL baby boy. Jewels has no patience for you naughty boys. Miss behave, and you’ll have to feel the harder side of my hand. A few spankings in between diaper changes, being a little more rough with your poor peepee so you learn your lesson. If I were you, I’d do your best to stay on my good side. Snuggles don’t come to you naughty boys out there. Let’s have a good (or bad) ABDL phone sex call,lovelies!
1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Jewels