I’ve been teasing and taunting you all week. Walking around in my tight little sexy outfits making your cock rock hard. I’ve seen the look in your eyes when you stare at my perfect barbie doll body, taking in my long tan legs, my round firm ass, my tiny little waist and my big juicy double d tits. I love teasing you, tossing my beautiful long blonde hair over one shoulder while I peek up at you with my sparkly green eyes, enjoying the way your cock gets so hard when I slowly run my little pink tongue over my pouty lips. I thought I had you wrapped around my little finger and that I was the one in complete control. Boy was I wrong, I had no idea what was in store for me when you invited me over for a romantic dinner so we could make love for the first time. I only lifted my arms up so you could tug my sexy little dress off over my head and before I knew what was happening you were cuffing my hands and shoving a gag in my mouth. Then you told me it was time for me to learn my lesson for being such an awful tease and I felt you lift my dress up before I felt the hard smack of the paddle hitting my bare ass. I tried to scream out and beg you to stop but the gag muffled my cries. My body quivered with excitement and trepidation as I wondered what else lay in store for me….
If you’re in the mood for some extreme taboo phone sex then give me a call at: 1-888-704-6848 and ask for Lita. I have absolutely no limits and I’m ready to be your obedient little submissive slut.
AIM: LoveLusciousLita
Yahoo: LusciouslyLita
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