I didn’t want to do it! It was too humiliating! But my Master insisted that if I was to be his obedient little phone sex slave that I was to do as I was told. He drove us down the interstate for miles and miles; I was clueless as to where we would end up. Suddenly, he pulled over to the breakdown lane. I was nervous and scared as to what his plans were for me. He instructed me to, “Get out of the car, now!”
I resisted. Why would he leave me here? Dressed only in a short, spaghetti-strap, white cotton summer dress and white cotton panties, it was pouring rain out and the temperature had now dropped below 40 degrees! I didn’t want to leave the warmth and safety of his car. But he insisted.
Stepping out of the car, he swiftly came to my side and yanked open the door. Grabbing me by my wrist, I was ripped out of the seat and forcefully pulled into the freezing, pouring rain in the breakdown lane. Shivering, I clutched my arms together for unobtainable warmth. He demanded, “Take your clothes off, NOW!” What??? No way!
Without hesitation he reached for the top of my drenched breast and jerked my little dress towards him and then down. It ripped down the center as if he just pulled a zipper. I was completely exposed except for my diminutive white panties. He finished tearing my dress off of me and through it into the puddled ditch next to us. I stood there with my arms hiding my erect nipples as best as I could. Cars and big-rig trucks were flying past us, but it seemed to me that they were gradually getting slower and slower. Horns started honking as the vehicles wisped by. He maniacally chuckled as he watched my pale, cold face turn beet red in embarrassment and shame. He commanded me to take 25 steps ahead and not to look back; otherwise, my panties would be the next to go. So inclined, I walked slowly and carefully counting my paces. 1…..2…..3….4. I was in tears and felt so degraded. Finally…..22…23…24…25. I made it! I stood there, as instructed, and did not turn around. I could feel his warm & moist breath positioned over the center of my back, and then suddenly, my panties were torn from my bare, nearly-hypothermic body. WHY? Why did he rip my panties? I was a good girl; I did what my Master asked of me!
I stood there, naked and bare, left on the side of the road without any piece of cloth to cover my shameful being. Cars and truckers still wailing their horns at me in what I couldn’t tell was either excitement or disgust. I was filled with too much guilt to try and hitch hike my way home, so I began walking ahead to the nearest exit, once again carefully counting my paces to deter my focus from my reality…1….2….3….4. At about pace number 242, a familiar sounding car pulled over behind me, and an acquainted voice says to me, “Get in the car.” With my head hung low, I marched my way back to my Master.
Do you have a humiliation phone sex fantasy that you would like to roleplay with me?
For some freaky, no-taboo, twisted phone sex, call me at 1-888-474-6769 and ask for Ariel.
AIM & Yahoo: NaughtyAriel4U