I am your girl honey. The special girlfriend that you have always wanted. Always here to listen to how your day has been. If you have had a bad day,I will pamper you with a nice hot back and shoulder rub and tell you I am going to make it all better. Greeting you at the door with a smile and a cold beer in hand, always making sure that I look incredibly sexy just in case you want a quick romp in bed before you eat the delishious dinner I have prepared for us. I am always ready for hot steamy sex and always willing to try new things. I am the girlfriend that when you call me in the middle of the day and say we are going to have company tonight I never bitch about it, I see it as a perfect chance to show you just how wonderful I am for you.I am the girl that won’t complain if you just need a blowjob and you are too tired for a fucking. I know you will make it up to me, won’t you lover.
Why don’t you call me up lover and tell me what a good girlfriend I am to you. Don’t you deserve to have some phone sex where your girl spoils the hell out of you? GFE phone sex is just what you need to get your mind of the nagging and bitching that you get at home. The stress relief you need from a had day at work. I am the perfect solution to all your problems.
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Kisses Lover
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