Giantess Phone Sex with Pia

I had a hot call last night. He wanted to be my naughty tiny little man. It made me think of giantess phone sex, which I love. Macrophilia (I.e. Giantess) is something that men like these only can have a taste of in their wild and naughty nightmares and fantasies. Yet today he is getting snatched right up out of his life, quite literally, as I pinch the seat of his tiny little trousers and shove him between my immense mommy tits! Only for safekeeping while I resume hunting for more tiny men toys! I hear him in my tight cleavage, struggling for air and wriggling around. Then I take a peek down my shirt. He’s desperately working his way down my thighs, while hot drops of cum seep on my skin through his pants. He couldn’t help it. Him being so tiny and me a giantess made his little tiny dick so hard that he could not help but cum.

Giantess Phone Sex

I will see just how tiny these dicks are by picking them up and pressing them up against my sweet pussy, rubbing them around my clit and pussy lips so that my new tiny man will be pruned up all over his body by my cunt! Only when he is nice and lubed up will I start to insert him up inside of my tight wet pussy. I love being able to feel him wiggle his tiny body and his little dick grinding against my walls is my favorite part. My Giantess orgy fantasies have only just begun as I destroy the city in search of every little man I can find! Are you ready to be shoved up inside me or smashed with my Giant breast? I want to stomp on your tiny little body with my toes crushing you.

Call me now for our giantess phone sex session. I am ready to use you.

Giantess Phone Sex with Vivian

How would you like to be shrunk to 4 inches tall. Tiny, itsy, bitty lil man and you must live with me. 5 foot 5 inches but a giant to you. Giantess phone sex with me will make you so vulnerable to my every want and need. I can capture you so easily. you must make me happy with whatever i task you with. I might have you slide all over my lubed up pussy. Maybe make you tie knots around my nipples and tug when I want.. then I will start building my village where we can have others come to be shrunk down to 3 or 4 inches. You will be in charge of my village people for me. Under my orders of course. Soon they will do all the work and give me every little whim I want.

Giantess Phone Sex

There are so many possibilities with Giantess phone sex. Building an army that I control as well as living areas. then we need a good water supply. my little people will take care of all that. I will have special equipment that my littles can control. I sound very fun and loving.. don’t let that fool you, I’m a vengeful mean giantess. If I’m not always happy my littles will be punished or banned far, far away from the village never to be heard of again. My little people who make me happy will be in my special army that gets to make my world pleasure at all times. My army will be leading all the little workers to keep creating my paradise. Only my special army gets to touch and satisfy me in every way possible. All my little people workers will be under my army’s command to keep building my village. I will give my army orders of exactly the way I want everything and my army will command my little workers. If you want any kind of giantess phone sex call 1 888 8 FREAKY. Ask for Vivian.

Giantess Phone Sex with Chloe

I might be short and slender, but that won’t matter at all during a giantess phone sex call. Compared to the size that I will shrink you down to, I’ll be a big monster that will scare that crap out of you when I’m chasing you around the room. Have you ever had to run from a 5 foot tall giant when you were a tiny little four inch man? Even if you have done it before, it will be so much fun to do it again with me. I mean, I am pretty confident in saying that when you call me for our giantess fun, it will be the best that you have ever had. You’ll be afraid while you’re running around, but I also know that it’s going to make your itty bitty dicky SO hard. I guess maybe you’re the kind of guy who likes feeling really vulnerable.

Phone Sex

Giantess phone sex with me can be a little intimidating, though. You never know who is going to show up and chase you around with me. I have so many girlfriends who would love to join me and I really do think that would make for a really fun two girl call. Does that scare you or excite you? Or maybe a little bit of both? I guess we will see when you call us. Or me. I’m good with either way, though it is always have fun to have another girl to play with. But maybe you’re just too weak and you don’t think you’d be able to handle it. Whatever you decide, little guy, make sure you get on the phone and call me soon. Just dial 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask to talk to Chloe and a friend for giantess phone sex. I hope you like feeling vulnerable, shorty.

Giantess Phone Sex with Jacquelynn

Do you have either a shrinking fetish or giantess fetish? Then let’s have some freaky giantess fetish phone sex, boys. Oh, do I have the story to get your cock in the mood to play.

Giantess Phone Sex

We’re dating. I’ve always joked around with you that I’m a witch. You and I got into a fight about something stupid but for me it was the last straw. I wanted to make you pay for calling me fat just because you had a bad day at work. Even if you didn’t mean it, you still said it. So, I concocted a potion to make you tiny. I gave it to you that night when I said I bought a bottle of wine to apologize for our argument. Once you drank it, you felt really weird.

Suddenly things start looking bigger. Your fork falls out of your hand as you notice your hands getting smaller. All you can do is sit there staring in shock as you realize that you’re shrinking. Your eyes look up at me imploringly but all you can see is my smiling face getting progressively larger. Soon you’re about the size of my pinky finger and I’m a giantess compared to you. I pick you up in my hand and carry you to the bedroom. Let’s put my new toy to good use. Let’s see how much fun I can have with you. Maybe I’ll shove you into my pussy. Or, maybe my ass. I could even swallow you if you also have a vore fetish.

So many possibilities when it comes to giantess fetish phone sex. Let’s see which route we take. We can even come up with something completely different. The only thing that matters is that we have a good time together exploring such a fun and kinky fetish.

1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Jacquelynn

Giantess Phone Sex with Krystal

Hello, little man. Have you ever had giantess phone sex and a great big fat person was chasing you around? Well, that’s one of my favorite things to do when I get a giantess call. I’m already a big girl, so when I’m around a shrunken down little man like you, it makes it even better. I consider it a serendipitous bonus. Believe it or not, I used to not be a fan of this kind of call, but then I got a call from a guy who changed that and showed me just how much fun being a giantess could be. It was a role play of me being on a date with him and I had slipped something into his drink to slowly and subtly shrink him down. As he got smaller, his clothes got bigger and he finally came to the realization that he was getting smaller.

Phone Sex

What I like to do to a guy once he is small depends on what mood I am in when you call me for giantess phone sex. I might just shrink you and chase you around, like I talked about earlier. Seeing the fear of being crushed on your face really makes my pussy wet. See, and then I could catch you and use your small body as a literal human dildo and fuck myself. Oops.. I hope I don’t forget to pull you out of my pussy after I cum…sometimes I leave my vibrator or dildo inside me for a few while I catch my breath. Are you curious about what else I might do to you? All you have to do is get on the phone and call me. Just dial my number – 1 888 8 FREAKY and tell the dispatcher you really need to talk to your favorite giantess – Krystal.

Giantess Phone Sex with Sybil

The other day I had a wonderful time on the line with a caller who wanted giantess phone sex. Now, his particular fantasy was not that I was literally of colossal size but that he had been shrunk by a scientist to a tiny size. However, it seems to me that this was a form of giantess phone sex since, by contrast with him, I was gargantuan and so were the people around me like my husband and a female neighbor with whom I am in a friends with benefits type of relationship. This caller likes to pretend that he is so tiny that I can easy hold him in a hand and have him cavort from on my hands to another. He especially likes to imagine that he is playing among my rings. He always asks me to describe my engagement ring, my wedding ring (it has a diamond and is not a simple gold band), and other rings that I have as well.

Giantess Phone Sex

Any caller who wants giantess phone sex makes me feel really powerful so I have a real fondness for callers who want giantess phone sex. What could be more powerful than to be of colossal size and playing with humans like they were tiny toys? I also like how such callers make themselves vulnerable as they talk about feeling tiny and helpless as I, the giantess, play with them and are amused by them. I love to talk about playing with the tiny human creatures and inviting other giantesses and giants to play with them as well. We big human creatures can be so amused — and so turned on! — by you tiny human creatures. Oops! We just have to be careful we don’t crush you like we would crush an insect of your size! Then again . . . maybe I will threaten you with being crushed unless you behave correctly! Do you crave giantess phone sex? If so, I crave to talk with you! Call Sybil and we will have a super hot giantess phone sex session.

Giantess Phone Sex with Sloan

I had a phone sex call the other night that really intrigued me. It was the first time that a guy had ever requested anything like this from me before. As it turns out, he was into giantess phone sex. “What is that?” I asked him. He responded, “it’s you talking about being 10,000 feet tall and you’re chasing after me and capture me and make me your pathetic little worm and rub me all over your body especially your tits and ass, but with you, your giant cock and balls too!” He said he mostly has this kind of phone sex with girls but he thought I was so pretty as a tranny that he wanted to give me a try and he said he loved it! He said I really did get into it which I did. That’s one of the great things about taking phone sex calls. I get to learn about different kinks and find out for myself that I’m into them too.

Giantess Phone Sex

So, if you’re like that tiny, weak and little guy that I talked to the other night and you want to get off with giantess phone sex, then I’m your GIANTESS TRANNY. I will grow to be 10,000+ feet tall, my head reaching past the clouds and I will track you down, pick you up and show you what I do to small 2 inch men like you. I’ll rub you across my tits, they’re like humongous mountains to you like you’ve never seen before. My long cock shaft is a never-ending highway. I’m your only hope of surviving my wrath as a Giantess. You know that you’re so tiny and so weak and so pathetic. You know that you deserve abuse from a Giantess that will rock your tiny world, turn it upside down and make you beg for me to not crush you.

Dial 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask to talk to Sloan

Giantess Phone Sex with Trixi

We all start out small, right? We start out as helpless little babies being cared for by the huge creatures we called grown-ups. We all started up totally dependent on the goodwill and love of the grown-ups to feed us and change our diapers and keep us safe. It is hardly shocking that fantasies of being in the thrall of a giantess are common and that giantess phone sex is a turn on for many callers. I know you want to imagine that Trixi has gotten huge so she can play with you just like she could play with a sex toy. Indeed, I could be as big as a skyscraper, as big as a mountain, so you are just like a tiny human dildo to me. And this horny giantess would use you as a dildo, use you as a sex toy, have fun with a mere mortal man so small next to this giantess. I could be a giantess from mythology, a giantess from a science fiction movie, and you are my helpless tiny play toy.

Giantess Phone Sex

Oh, I bet you will get horny as hell thinking about being a tiny play toy to my sensual giantess. In our giantess phone sex session, we will talk about how you will play like an insect in the palm of my hand. Or maybe we will talk about little tiny you walking on the floor around me and trying not to get squished like an insect by my giantess high heels. Or perhaps you WANT to get squished like an insect by my giantess high heels! Then again, perhaps you crave the loving care of a giantess to your tiny sized body, a giantess who will caress you and play with you and maybe even let you slide up into the wet cavern of her vagina. Maybe you want to find yourself stuck between the ass cheeks of a giantess. There are an endless number of variations in giantess phone sex and I am happy to go over all of them that you want to talk about. I know you have a creative erotic imagination and need to go over all of it with me in giantess phone sex.

Trampling Phone Sex with Frankie

::rubs hands together:: I think it’s due time for some trampling phone sex. I’ve had callers that crave that shit, they just didn’t have the vocabulary to know exactly what to call it. Well, as your Southern Goddess of Freaky Deaky, lay down on my rug, I’ll hike up my teacher skirt, buckle on these stiletto Pleasers, grab a ruler, and teach ya! You know you want a woman who knows what she wants! It turns you on so much, you can’t help but be completely submissive to her every whim! And what I want is for you to take off all your clothes and lay down on your tummy like a good boy so I can pin you down with these heels of mine and you can TRY to turn your head to catch a glimpse of my long, sleek legs towering over you…and where they lead.

But just know, if you try to look, my ruler is gonna come cracking down on that ass of yours! Maybe if I spank you hard enough, you’ll have the numbers welted into your flesh and I can use your ass to measure the apple you brought to my class! IF I find it satisfactory, maybe I’ll go easy on you…roll you over and have you unbuckle my shoes and pull them off my feet, like Cinderella in reverse, and grant you permission to suck on my toes. I take good care of my beautiful feet! They stay soft, callous-free, and practically shine with whatever nail polish I’ve chosen for the occasion. For this one, blood red. To match the welts on your ass!

Trampling Phone Sex

You trace the womanly arch of my feet with your tongue and then know playtime is over when my foot suddenly forces your head to the ground, smashing your mouth closed. I’ll adjust my foot JUST ENOUGH to let you inhale from your nose. Don’t worry sweetheart. I prefer my human carpets alive. 😉 As our trampling phone sex call continues, I instruct you to CRAWL towards me. Humiliation looks SO good on you! And right as you stretch out to grab hold of my slender ankles, I jump out of your reach and land on your back. You feel your spine crack all the way down and it’s euphoric! You wait for me to get off you so you can spin over and gaze up my skirt, but tsk tsk. Silly boy. This ain’t your game. It’s MINE.

I pull a remote control out of my purse and turn on the classroom TV and proceed to just stand there, watching my favorite show. You can’t see it, but you can feel your heart beating and hear your breath in your own head as your body is pinned to my carpet. Every time I laugh at the show, it vibrates through your back and you feel yourself get harder and harder, your dick squooshed to the floor and painfully trying to spring into full stance. Occasionally, I use one of my feet to play with your face. I run my big toe behind your ear, down your cheek, and stick it in your mouth. And what do you say? “THANK YOU!” like a good boy! When my show is over, I hop off of you and give you permission to put my heels back on. As you do, you finally see up my skirt and realize I’m not wearing any panties. I wink at you! And then…I dismiss you. Class over.

That’s just a taste of what our trampling phone sex could look like. If you insist on some input, you can email me first ( and I’ll craft the scene around your wishes. But THEN, the reins are MINE! And boy are you gonna love the rodeo I have in store for you! Or just call me at 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask to talk to Frankie!

Giantess Phone Sex with Dora

For any regular guy am just a sexy sex toy, which most of them if not all wants to play with, now these guys consider my breast and ass to be my most fun asset before they reach my pussy… but to the others my ass and boobs are seen as weapon especially on a giantess phone sex. Just imagine I just had up to five glasses of milk and top it off with two glasses of egg nag. Now you a man of three inches tall sitting or resting your little body on my chair, now I just walked in and spread my big ass right on top of your little body and unfortunately for you, your little face ends up right between the crack of my ass… no matter how much you scream and beg I cannot hear you, now it’s about to get even worse for you.

Giantess Phone Sex

Those glasses of milk mixed with that egg nag is now starting to take a toll on my belly, and all you can smell is that god forsaken scent from my fart. You don’t know how much more of it you will be able to endure; so you start kicking and itching my ass cheeks. Your just praying my giantess ass will be able to feel it and go to the toilet. Finally god answered your prayer, but unfortunately I did not go to the toilet, I went to lay down instead, but finally you fell out my but cheeks on the bed, where it you a few minutes before could gather yourself well enough to make your way up to to my boobs. I was only able to see you after I felt some crawling onto my boobs, and you were close enough to my nose, and i could smell my fart all over again. Am sure if you are into dirty giantess phone sex, you won’t be disappointed when you call me.

Call 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Dora for giantess phone sex

Fetish Phone Sex : Anything Goes Phone Sex