How I love it when I get an ABDL phone sex call! Those calls always make my day. I just love you big adult babies and you adult diaper lovers! There is nothing sweeter and more endearing and more pleasant than a big grown up guy or gal who likes playing around in baby drag and gets super duper sexually turned on by playing around in baby drag! It is just so very cute to know that the caller on the other end of the phone line is a bit adult baby and loves thinking of himself or herself as helpless and innocent and in need of the care of a loving and conscientious good caregiver like me, Trixi. Oh, you wonderful adult babies in your diapers and your baby booties and your bonnets and your cribs and your high chairs! I love every last one of you and cannot wait to hear from you.
I want to hear how helpless you are and how much you need and want and love your dear mommy. I want to hear you say, “I love you,Trixi” while I know you are stroking yourself and getting turned on and your dick is getting hard and your balls are knotting because you so enjoy being an adult baby. I love to hear a caller say how much he or she enjoys being in diapers made for grown up men and women. Don’t those diapers feel wonderfully comfy? Don’t they make you feel helpless? Don’t they make you feel as wanted and needed as a little bitty baby? I know they do and you know they do. That is why you and I love ADBL phone sex. Call me right now! I cannot wait to hear from you! Adult babies and diaper lovers are the best!
1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Trixi