adult baby phone sex

Hey there cutie pie 🙂 My name is Scarlet and I’m gonna be your babysitter tonight. We are gonna have so much fun.  You really are the cutest abie ever!

Oh no!  What is that I smell?  Did abie go poopy in his diaper?  Well I guess it’s bath time now 🙂 Give me your hand and let’s go into the bathroom. Let Scarlet pull down your pants and take off that stinky winky diaper.. Ok now get in the tubby wubby baby..

I’m gonna soap up the wash rag and get my cutie pie all cleaned up 🙂  First i’ll wash your face then your chest and now your back.. Does that feel good? Now open those legs so I can wash Mr. Weewee.. Good boy! Now let’s get that cute little tushy…You are such a good boy.. You are my favorite lil abie phone sex boy.

Let’s get you nice and dry and dressed in your favorite PJ’s.  But first I’m gonna put some baby powder in that diaper to keep Mr. Weewee nice and dry.  Look at you smiling when I sprinkle the baby powder all over Mr. Weewee hee hee hee…

Is Scarlet your favorite babysitter phone sex girl??  Awww baby you don’t know yet…Ok  well I like to give my good abies some extra special play time..Maybe after we play I will be your favorite babysitter 😉  So be an extra good boy for Scarlet….  And then we can play…

Are you looking for a super sexy attentive babysitter? Wanna have a ABDL Fetish Roleplay??? Give me a call for adult baby phone sex and find out what it’s really like to play with Scarlet…

AIM: sexxxyscarlet4U
Yahoo: sexxxyscarlet

1-888-8-FREAKY ask for Scarlet

mommy phone sex

There’s something about AB/DL phone sex that just brings out the nurturing mommy side of me. After a long hard day at work Mommy Marie knows you need some relaxation. Strip out of those big boy clothes and let me dress you in a soft diaper and some cozy jammies.  Then I’ll feed my sweet little boy his supper and burp you. Tonight you don’t even have to use the big boy toilet, you can potty in your diaper and Mommy will change you and get you all nice and clean. I’ll even put some sweet smelling baby powder on your bum so you don’t get a diaper rash. Then I’ll pull you right against my full breasts and help you go nite nite. If you’re ready for an adult baby phone sex roleplay than pick up that phone, Mommy’s waiting for you.

1-888-47-Horny and ask for Marie for mommy phone sex

AIM: SeductiveMarie
Yahoo: SeductiveXXXMarie

Fetish Phone Sex : Anything Goes Phone Sex