Hi Dork. I am hot and you are not. Sorry, its always going to be that way. You can still follow me around and beg for a scrap of attention. Did you just get paid? Sweet. Lets go shopping. You want your bratty Princess to be happy! I know you see my squeals of glee as “ooh she does want me” or “maybe I do have a chance with her”. Well lets face it. As long as you keep getting me things and being my little bitch that I can torment then you can stick around. But don’t be sad when Saturday night comes and I run off with that hunk from the gym to get my pussy fucked. Well, you didn’t think I was going to let that little thing you keeping pumping like you was playing a video game in me did you LOL?
Small penis humiliation rocks! And you are quite the loser for thinking you had a chance to rub that ugly thing on any part of my hot body. You lack motivation, you over eat and you still secretly cry when your feelings are hurt. I cant wait to make you cry. I bet you blubber like a baby. I have the evilest giggle and the cutest voice and before long your little bitch-stick will be poking your palm while I tell you how its really going to be. And you will take the abuse. Wanna know why? Cause this is the only female attention you are ever going to get so might as well suck it up. Call me now, pudpuller so you can experience my brand of phone sex humiliation. It is for the weak of heart. *laughs*
Call Eden for humiliation phone sex
AIM and Yahoo: badgurleden