I had a phone sex call the other night that really intrigued me. It was the first time that a guy had ever requested anything like this from me before. As it turns out, he was into giantess phone sex. “What is that?” I asked him. He responded, “it’s you talking about being 10,000 feet tall and you’re chasing after me and capture me and make me your pathetic little worm and rub me all over your body especially your tits and ass, but with you, your giant cock and balls too!” He said he mostly has this kind of phone sex with girls but he thought I was so pretty as a tranny that he wanted to give me a try and he said he loved it! He said I really did get into it which I did. That’s one of the great things about taking phone sex calls. I get to learn about different kinks and find out for myself that I’m into them too.
So, if you’re like that tiny, weak and little guy that I talked to the other night and you want to get off with giantess phone sex, then I’m your GIANTESS TRANNY. I will grow to be 10,000+ feet tall, my head reaching past the clouds and I will track you down, pick you up and show you what I do to small 2 inch men like you. I’ll rub you across my tits, they’re like humongous mountains to you like you’ve never seen before. My long cock shaft is a never-ending highway. I’m your only hope of surviving my wrath as a Giantess. You know that you’re so tiny and so weak and so pathetic. You know that you deserve abuse from a Giantess that will rock your tiny world, turn it upside down and make you beg for me to not crush you.
Dial 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask to talk to Sloan