My parents would be utterly ashamed of me if they knew the lengths I would go to in order to get the attention of all of you dirty boys. I’m the kind of girl that will pull out all of the tricks to get your attention, doll- even down to what I wear when I step out of the house. When I get up and get dressed in the morning I think about what I could wear that would make me absolutely irresistible to you. My favorite combo is to wear a tiny skirt that barely covers anything and a lacy pair of underwear during panty tease phone sex. It’s my favorite because you get peeks up my skirt, and of my panties, without getting the full view of what you actually want to see. I have to leave SOMETHING for you to imagine, don’t I? My favorite was being a cheerleader, where I could jump around and my skirt would flip up and give you just a taste of what I’m wearing underneath.

I just might be the kind of girl that will “accidentally” drop something while I am in front of you. Of course, that will mean I have to bend over to pick up the item I dropped. Of course, my skirt isn’t quite long enough to cover my round ass, and lets you get a great eye full of my pretty panties. What happens when I catch you staring as I stand back up? Mmmm, doll. A big smile will come across my face, but if you want to hear what comes out of my panty tease phone sex slut mouth you will have to pick up the fucking phone, and dial 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for me, Meeka. Let me be the one to quench those insatiable desires.