It started in our free sex chat room. He knew what he wanted. He asked asked if I had any experience doing forced intoxication phone sex calls. I assured him that I did. We continued to set up his phone sex experience in greater detail. I was to “force” him to call me and once on the phone with him “force” him to lay on the floor and down six bottles of beers in secession by placing the open bottle of beer up side down in his mouth forcing him to swallow. How can lil’ ol’ me from half a continent away “force” anyone to do anything much less consume massive amounts of alcohol you ask ?
During our conversation in the chat room I had managed to get the name of the street name, city and state he lived in. I convinced him while still in the chat room that if he did not call me I would call his local police department and tell them something terrible and send them to his house. Needless to say, he called and fully complied with all of my demands. I know he did because I watched him do it on cam.
How do I “force “ a man to drink ? Dial 1 888 474 6769 and ask for Evie ….. you’ll find out.
AIM – BadGirlEvie4U
Yahoo – BadGirlEvie